
Digital Trading Card Game / MMORPG Project

Started by February 23, 2014 01:06 PM
95 comments, last by EminenceFlora 9 years, 9 months ago

Wow this looks stunning! I hope your kickstarter will make it with just 6 days to go. I'll make sure to pick up an early bird pack when I get home later today!

Good luck! smile.png

Wow this looks stunning! I hope your kickstarter will make it with just 6 days to go. I'll make sure to pick up an early bird pack when I get home later today!

Good luck! smile.png

Thank you so much for your support Jonathan! It means the world to us. :)



You can now buy physical versions of our cards plus more! For more information, visit our Kickstarter!

Introducing a sneak peek of our newest division - Scion.


We've had a few questions asking whether there will be card animations and the answer is...Yes! Our goal is to make every card beautifully animated when used in a duel to enhance the overall experience. Here are a few examples of how they may look (this still a working progress and the final implementation may change)smile.png

Our Kickstarter:

Ever since we began the project, we've received incredible feedback over the artstyle of the game. One thing which was constantly pointed out was the design of our characters. We too felt there was a bit of disconnect with their visual style in comparison with the overall art of the game. During the KS campaign, we began a new journey to evolve our character designs and here's the new direction we're thinking of going towards. We plan on moving forward based on feedback so let us know what you think! (Please bare in mind this is still a work in progress)


Greetings Alchemists, time for another edition of our Road to Launch updates.
We sat down and thought hard about when we'll be able to let you guys try out an alpha build. We decided to aim for the fall. We'll do our best to hopefully give you guys a taste of what's to come. The alpha will give you the opportunity to start creating your accounts and challenging other players around the world. In the process, you'll be able to start building your decks and give us valuable feedback, helping to shape the development of the game.

We'll keep you posted in the forthcoming weeks on progress and updates on our road to launch. Until next time!

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