I honestly thought these forums were past comparison wars, for months I haven't even seen one. Sure you get the subtle anti-managed language or anti-MS comment here and there but not a full on war on a lot of languages. Shame on you Shippou and yes it is a language war as you just degraded several languages with single vague statements, nothing good would ever come out of doing that.
I am aware that a lot of folks who visit these forums do not speak English as a first language, and can have issues with comprehending certain words, phrases, or "slang" that is used.
I am going to assume you do not know what the phrase "personal opinion" means.
I would direct you to THIS LINK to find out the meaning of the phrase.
On my reply I was so close to adding "I know you said personal opinion but it doesn't change the fact that it still would result in a not very constructive language war which we can already see beginning, saying 'I hate all Apple, it is a useless company and their products suck' is still unnecessary and not constructive whether or not I said it is my opinion or not" among other things but I decided to remove it because I thought, he wouldn't be so defensive and mention something that was read in the first min.
So let me make my point here clear, you don't have to let us know it is your opinion or not, on forums, social networks or anything for that matter unless backed by citation or facts it will always be dismissed as opinion.
Oh and in my 'personal opinion', those who go out of their way and encourage a language war or try to convert others in using their language by degrading theirs when no opinion was even asked is insecure and usually shows this very easily. You can actually spot the same pattern in those threads, or vids for that matter too. It starts of mild and subtle trying to get the impression across that it is casual and quickly devolves in a "your language is bad, mine is the best" way the same way we witness people of different religions argue.
Now I am not saying your aim was to sell your language or that you wanted to convert others, I feel I need to mention this as there was some confusion with my other post and you may comment on what I said above. My point was saying one line critical sentences is no different that me saying "I hate French, the language is a mess" or "No one speaks Russian so it is pointless to learn" or "English is the only decent language" then getting defensive when people call me a troll or think I am causing a war. Perhaps next time you could explain on your one line remarks in detail because whether or not you say it is your opinion or not, all it sounds like you are doing is making a very large twitter post simply saying "I hate this,.. I like this" over and over without providing any content.
Edit: My language example was purely an example, I love French and Russian, I was just trying to make a point and hope no one gets offended by it