Hi All
Im trying to create a simple combat system that will work in the background (the player has no direct influences and can't see whats going on, but DOES receive reports and battle outcomes).
The system is all number based and im just stuck with the best way to round it off. Im a one man team so don't have the privilege of running my thoughts by someone off hand and Ive been going round in circles on this the last few days.
Anyway my game is WW2 based and I have air raids attacking the UK (Blitz/Battle of Britain type jobby) . Im currently working on the mechanism for Flak/AA vs the airraids.
I have a variable for the number of guns firing at the planes. I then have a damage roll 1 -12.
Then I have damage multipliers:- Additional Gunnery Training, Advanced AA Tactics, Radar Guidance.
I then have possible damage subtractors - does target have a smoke screen (no visural sight)? is it night time? - then spotlights come in to it.
Then multiply the total damage roll by the number of guns at the target....giving total damage to the airraid.
I then put a divide on the total damage depending on the size of the airraid....for example The target might have 800 AA guns, but if the airraid is only 5 planes its highly unlikely all 800 guns will be able to see or fire on that target. where as an airraid of 1000 planes covers much more area of sky and all 800 guns might be able to fire at some point.
All nice and simple so far and im happy up till around this point.....
I then get the hitpoints for the type of bomber that makes up the raid, divide the total AA damage by the bomber hitpoints to gauge how many bombers have been hit, then I can do a couple more calculations to work out how many have been damaged or destroyed.
The problem is at no point have I used the variable which says how many bombers are actually in the raid (minor oversight!). So 10 bombers might be destroyed and another 25 bombers might be damaged but the raid has only 5 bombers.....and this is the problem.
Im struggling to figure out where to put or handle the Varible that says how many bombers are actually in the raid.
Ive considered just putting a randomize on it so the number of bombers that get hit by flak is randomized before the hitpoints are divided up, but you then have too much possibility that all the bombers that get damaged, would actually be destroyed in that instance (quite unrealistic).
Maybe the solution is to implement the randomize on the number of bombers hit and just raise the bombers hit points or/and nerf the D12 damage roll to a D6?
Any ideas?