
Best tennis game with realistic motion control?

Started by February 20, 2014 09:50 AM
-1 comments, last by d000hg 10 years, 6 months ago

I've recently gotten into EA's Grand Slam Tennis on the Wii... the graphics are pretty shoddy by modern standards but the Wiimote/MotionPlus controller makes this by far the most realistic experience I've had playing any game.

We have a PS3 and are getting a Move controller (had some vouchers we needed to spend) and I wondered if there are any tennis games with equally good controls, only much better graphics, etc? I don't know anything about the Move system, is it comparable to the Wii's ability to detect orientation as well as position?

I see titles like TopSpin4, Grand Slam 2 and Virtua Tennis 4 but since Move is a niche on PS3, reviews don't really focus on motion control, unlike on Wii games.

So what can you lot tell me? I am really only interested in realistic motion control, I have no interest in pushing buttons or wiggling an analog stick but want to wave my arm around :)

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