Hmm, I get similar feeling...
- How you feel about the island surrounded by endless sea? Is it OK? Or maybe I should add some other islands around it, even if with very limited interaction (like owned by AI nations but no option to conquer)? If yes, how important adding these you feel is?
Personally, I feel a bit bad about it. It feels isolated, and accentuates the feeling of having no aim or impact. More islands are only useful if you can interact with them in some meaningful way.
Also, possibly irrelevant, but if you give me an island, I want a boat.
OK, I need to tell more about the game.
I strongly want to make it assymnetrical. I mean, I don't want it to turn into a huge Europa Universalis with hunders of countries with zillion provinces and a totally dumb incompetent AI. I want to make the "AI empires" maximum simplified (no simulating economy, minimum AI), I defnitely don't want to code all this :)
But more than one island indeed sounds better...
So, how about something like that:
- the player owns an island with 12-16 provinces
- there are other AI empire controlled islands nearby, you can wage war with these bur for concessions, never to grab their territory
- there are several small unpopulated islands that can be colonized, countries can wage wars for the right to colonize these, if colonized a wild province is not assimilated but simply provides resources (all industry has to be on the main island)
On the map you see foreign (AI contrioled) islands as one colour provinces. Clicking on any of these provinces (within same country) opens the same panel which allows diplomacy & trade.
You also see uncolonized provinces (or colonized by others - which you can take over), each province separately, displaying resources (frequently rare like spice) and native population (good for buying your finished goods).
Something along these lines, what you think or maybe you have ideas for improvements?
Everything fixed but with a campaign system instead (like Tropico). Possible scenario editor as well.
I also want it to be procedurally generated so I can play more than once.
Maybe a tooltip (when you mouse over build button) displaying how much you cas and what you have? Also grayed out build button if not enough resources.
Also, the resources overlay should be something that can always be displayed from the HUD (it looks like its important enough that I might want to have it up when making decisions on what to build next).
Bleh... I hate, hate, hate these :) No matter how many avards these got I would refuse to play such a game (fortuanatelly I haven't seen any like these in the last 15 years, they seem to exctinct).
You could have an overlay panel that can be switched on/off at the botom, but that isn't concurrent with other menus. Then replace text with icons, making it more intelligible. That way, you give the player the ability to display all of the resources when they believe they need it. I think a common misconception in design is to make assumptions for the player. A number of UI awards have been granted to games that actually allow the user to decide what they need to see.
Anyway, even if, any customization is for advanced players who already know how to play. My concern is new players (like Stormynature in the first post who got confused which made my heart cry :(). Once I make a prototype that is intuitive to play I can think of customization options. Right now my goal is that Stormynature downloads the next version and says "hey, it's easy I get it all now, even without reading tutorial/manual" :)