My real name is Ryan. You can call me Kira if you wish. Many do.
I'll cut straight to the point. I'm looking for people who have experience with Game Design Engines, such as (but not limited to) Unity3D or Unreal Engine (UDK/UE3).
The reason for this is simple. I intend to create a MMOCCG (Massive Multiplayer Online Collectible Card Game) based solely on Anime/Manga and its popular characters. I have the majority of the game structure figured out. However, I'm still new to using engines and the like (which is why I need your help).
P.S. This is an independent project. I intent to publish this game first on the Google Play Store (Android Marketplace) for free. However, there will be many
in-game purchases available. If this becomes a reality and if the game makes any money, I promise to pay whatever I can for your time and effort.
Making money is not at all my goal for this project, so rest assured, your efforts will (probably) not be in vain.

P.P.S. I have uploaded one card design (keep in mind that it is still a work in progress) to show that I do, indeed, intent to do my part.