"Is it just me or I see more and more tactical RPG game?"
I have the impression of seeing more and more tactical rpg project especially on website like Gamedev.net or IndieDB. Some years ago I don't remember seeing as much tactical around. Is this genre coming back? Or has it never disappeared?
Want to share some thought about it?
Trend : the return of tactical RPG game
You'll need to explain what you think you're seeing as 'tactical RPG' because I'm sure we don't share the same definition.
The short answer is you're right, you noticed a trend that exists in those two places. There's no telling how long it'll last.
The long answer is not really. The the sample is not random (2 websites) and it is too small (based on recent events only?). If you happened to find one thing like this interesting you start to look for it, and then it is everywhere.
In any case, if 'tactical RPG' was the next zombie - zombies everywhere, then we're back to producing movies where the gods of Olympus stood around a big map talking about exactly what was going to happen next. Picture that.
I've read about the idea guy. It's a serious misnomer. You really want to avoid the lazy team.
I think there were a few hits that helped give more visibility to this phenomenon (I don't think there are more tactical RPGs being made, but there may be more hype regarding them).
X-COM really helped people with a love for grid-based combat and unit customization. It was a rock-solid game and very refreshing when it came out. A bunch of kickstarters inevitably followed, and several people started to refer to this game as a source of influence for the gameplay of their games.
Like I said, I don't think there's tangibly more tactical rpgs being made as we speak, but there's certainly more hype at the moment.
That being said, I'd like to see a tactical RPG that's fast-paced. That'd be a change!
My approach is not scientificaly correct, and is not meant to be. I just wanted to share my impression :)
As tactical RPG I mean a game where the fight is the main core and is turn-based and had some rpg element (equipemnt, level, skills). The definition is kind of broad, but the likes of final fantasy tactic, disagea, x-com, Dogs of war, FIre-emblem, etc..
If you happened to find one thing like this interesting you start to look for it, and then it is everywhere.
I guess it's what happened, but am I the only one?
That being said, I'd like to see a tactical RPG that's fast-paced. That'd be a change!
Some times ago i was thinking of making a tactictal game but without the turn-based mechanics to make it more fast-paced, and then I realized that it already exist and it's called a Real time Strategy game ^^'
But I agree :D
The thing that annoys me with tactical is the scope. You can't go about casual encounters as per a regular rpg, because of the sheer scope of a single battle (Bahamut Lagoon is a big offender here), but games like X-Com shed a bit of light on how to make things fast-paced, so there IS hope.