Here is a link to my blog in which i lay out the background? overview? for the game I am making called The Merging
Overview? for game I am making.
Azaral, are you asking a question? What's the purpose of your post?
-- Tom Sloper --
Not really friendly user ^^'
Too much talking. I think that making more short but precise articles is always better than a "bug dump of informations". Especially when you are talking abouts mechanics, a list with your main features is generaly more explicit than a big text.
It miss a quick introduction on the top of the blog, something like : "This is the blog about the tactical game I'm currently making. Stay tuned for more update. :)"
And, I don't know if it's just me, but your blog sad and empty. I'm not bothered by dark theme, but, when I was reading your article "The beginning" I felt really sad. It maybe just me, and I'm not asking to put some teddy bear or pink hearth everywhere, but, well. Maybe some images, more colours, etc... I'm not talking empty in content, as it is the beginning of your blog nobody expect you to have many articles. But empty in the form.