Hi , in our project - game. We are use only script addon, and we need use Our memory allocator
I create possible to change memory allocator for addon CScriptArray
Index: scriptarray.cpp===================================================================--- scriptarray.cpp (revision 1823)+++ scriptarray.cpp (working copy)@@ -13,6 +13,14 @@static void RegisterScriptArray_Native(asIScriptEngine *engine);static void RegisterScriptArray_Generic(asIScriptEngine *engine);+asALLOCFUNC_t CScriptArray::userAlloc = ::malloc;+asFREEFUNC_t CScriptArray::userFree = ::free;++void CScriptArray::asSetMemoryFunctions(asALLOCFUNC_t allocFunc, asFREEFUNC_t freeFunc){+ userAlloc = allocFunc;+ userFree = freeFunc;+}+struct SArrayBuffer{asDWORD maxElements;@@ -36,13 +44,16 @@static void CleanupObjectTypeArrayCache(asIObjectType *type){SArrayCache *cache = reinterpret_cast<SArrayCache*>(type->GetUserData(ARRAY_CACHE));- if( cache )- delete cache;+ if( cache ){+ CScriptArray::userFree( cache );+ cache = nullptr;+ }}static CScriptArray* ScriptArrayFactory2(asIObjectType *ot, asUINT length){- CScriptArray *a = new CScriptArray(length, ot);+ void *data = CScriptArray::userAlloc( sizeof( CScriptArray ) );+ CScriptArray *a = new( data ) CScriptArray(length, ot);// It's possible the constructor raised a script exception, in which case we// need to free the memory and return null instead, else we get a memory leak.@@ -58,8 +69,8 @@static CScriptArray* ScriptArrayListFactory(asIObjectType *ot, void *initList){- CScriptArray *a = new CScriptArray(ot, initList);-+ void *data = CScriptArray::userAlloc( sizeof( CScriptArray ) );+ CScriptArray *a = new( data ) CScriptArray(ot, initList);// It's possible the constructor raised a script exception, in which case we// need to free the memory and return null instead, else we get a memory leak.asIScriptContext *ctx = asGetActiveContext();@@ -74,8 +85,8 @@static CScriptArray* ScriptArrayFactoryDefVal(asIObjectType *ot, asUINT length, void *defVal){- CScriptArray *a = new CScriptArray(length, defVal, ot);-+ void *data = CScriptArray::userAlloc( sizeof( CScriptArray ) );+ CScriptArray *a = new( data ) CScriptArray(length, defVal, ot);// It's possible the constructor raised a script exception, in which case we// need to free the memory and return null instead, else we get a memory leak.asIScriptContext *ctx = asGetActiveContext();@@ -268,6 +279,7 @@// Same as removeAtr = engine->RegisterObjectMethod("array<T>", "void erase(uint)", asMETHOD(CScriptArray, RemoveAt), asCALL_THISCALL); assert( r >= 0 );#endif+}CScriptArray &CScriptArray::operator=(const CScriptArray &other)@@ -523,11 +535,8 @@// Allocate memory for the bufferSArrayBuffer *newBuffer;- #if defined(__S3E__) // Marmalade doesn't understand (nothrow)- newBuffer = (SArrayBuffer*)new asBYTE[sizeof(SArrayBuffer)-1 + elementSize*maxElements];- #else- newBuffer = (SArrayBuffer*)new (nothrow) asBYTE[sizeof(SArrayBuffer)-1 + elementSize*maxElements];- #endif+ newBuffer = (SArrayBuffer*)userAlloc( sizeof(SArrayBuffer)-1 + elementSize*maxElements );+if( newBuffer ){newBuffer->numElements = buffer->numElements;@@ -545,8 +554,7 @@memcpy(newBuffer->data, buffer->data, buffer->numElements*elementSize);// Release the old buffer- delete[] (asBYTE*)buffer;-+ userFree( buffer );buffer = newBuffer;}@@ -584,11 +592,8 @@{// Allocate memory for the bufferSArrayBuffer *newBuffer;- #if defined(__S3E__) // Marmalade doesn't understand (nothrow)- newBuffer = (SArrayBuffer*)new asBYTE[sizeof(SArrayBuffer)-1 + elementSize*(buffer->numElements + delta)];- #else- newBuffer = (SArrayBuffer*)new (nothrow) asBYTE[sizeof(SArrayBuffer)-1 + elementSize*(buffer->numElements + delta)];- #endif+ newBuffer = (SArrayBuffer*)userAlloc( sizeof(SArrayBuffer)-1 + elementSize*(buffer->numElements + delta) );+if( newBuffer ){newBuffer->numElements = buffer->numElements + delta;@@ -614,7 +619,7 @@Construct(newBuffer, at, at+delta);// Release the old buffer- delete[] (asBYTE*)buffer;+ userFree( buffer );buffer = newBuffer;}@@ -752,19 +757,11 @@{if( subTypeId & asTYPEID_MASK_OBJECT ){- #if defined(__S3E__) // Marmalade doesn't understand (nothrow)- *buf = (SArrayBuffer*)new asBYTE[sizeof(SArrayBuffer)-1+sizeof(void*)*numElements];- #else- *buf = (SArrayBuffer*)new (nothrow) asBYTE[sizeof(SArrayBuffer)-1+sizeof(void*)*numElements];- #endif+ *buf = (SArrayBuffer*)userAlloc( sizeof(SArrayBuffer)-1+sizeof(void*)*numElements );}else{- #if defined(__S3E__)- *buf = (SArrayBuffer*)new asBYTE[sizeof(SArrayBuffer)-1+elementSize*numElements];- #else- *buf = (SArrayBuffer*)new (nothrow) asBYTE[sizeof(SArrayBuffer)-1+elementSize*numElements];- #endif+ *buf = (SArrayBuffer*)userAlloc( sizeof(SArrayBuffer)-1+elementSize*numElements );}if( *buf )@@ -786,9 +783,8 @@void CScriptArray::DeleteBuffer(SArrayBuffer *buf){Destruct(buf, 0, buf->numElements);-// Free the buffer- delete[] (asBYTE*)buf;+ userFree( buf );}// internal@@ -1446,7 +1442,9 @@}// Create the cache- cache = new SArrayCache();+ void *data = CScriptArray::userAlloc( sizeof( SArrayCache ) );+ cache = new( data ) SArrayCache();+memset(cache, 0, sizeof(SArrayCache));// If the sub type is a handle to const, then the methods must be const too@@ -1569,7 +1567,8 @@{// When reaching 0 no more references to this instance// exists and the object should be destroyed- delete this;+ this->~CScriptArray();+ userFree( (void*)this );}}Index: scriptarray.h===================================================================--- scriptarray.h (revision 1823)+++ scriptarray.h (working copy)@@ -25,6 +25,9 @@class CScriptArray{public:+ static asALLOCFUNC_t userAlloc;+ static asFREEFUNC_t userFree;+ static void asSetMemoryFunctions(asALLOCFUNC_t allocFunc, asFREEFUNC_t freeFunc);CScriptArray(asIObjectType *ot, void *initBuf); // Called from script when initialized with listCScriptArray(asUINT length, asIObjectType *ot);CScriptArray(asUINT length, void *defVal, asIObjectType *ot);