How much money do you need? A lot of those things you mention aren't that costly for a start-up game. You don't need a server farm when you are just starting out, and in fact, it would be a bad choice to get hardware to support 100,000 players or more when you will likely have a couple hundred at best on day one since you will be relying on word-of-mouth (which builds somewhat slowly).
As far as obtaining art, have you really scoured what is out there and ready available? Your players aren't going to recognize a tree model found on page 124 of TurboSquid.
Basically what I am getting at, is that if you can keep the amount you need realistic, you could try pitching to people you know, such as family. You won't be asking for a gift. You will be offering them equity in your product, and will pay them returns on their investment based on how much equity they own. Treat it as a business deal with a pitch explaining how they will make their money back.
If all else fails, and your parents won't sign-off on being responsible for your Kickstarter campaign, just get a job and start saving until you turn 18 and can go it alone. The more you can save now, the less you will need from a crowdsource campaign, meaning less perks you will have to promise out to people and be legally responsible for providing to produce your game. Also, the stats are clear for Kickstarter (KS). Although there are some major winners on KS that score multi-million dollar fundings, those are established developers with a proven track record. Once you subtract them out, the vast majority of campaigns that are successful are campaigns for smaller funding goals. You will have a much greater chance of success on KS when you do get to that point if you raise whatever you can until then to reduce what you will need from KS.
Best of luck!