
*hypothetical* If Nintendo had to sell...

Started by January 25, 2014 04:45 PM
9 comments, last by Servant of the Lord 10 years, 7 months ago

Despite the doom and gloom in the media, Nintendo's not doing bad, they're just not doing fantastically, amazingly, incredible. There is still the possibility Nintendo turns around the WiiU disaster by a few very big hits, and then the WiiU would become a decent success even if not the runaway success they were hoping for.

I frequently see in the news, "With the failure of Nintendo's WiiU and 3DS consoles...", which is false. The 3DS is doing very well! Perhaps not as astoundingly well as Nintendo hoped, but the 3DS is doing very well. The WiiU is doing poorly, but can still be turned around.

The media's problem with Nintendo is that Nintendo set Nintendo's own bar of success too high in the recent past. Nintendo kicked everyone's butt last generation, and kicked it so thoroughly that even Nintendo was caught off guard by how successful Nintendo was.

But in answer to your hypothetical question: if Nintendo had to sell, Disney should buy them (their focuses and strengths are so similar).

Before it comes to that, though, I'd rather Nintendo just cut a deal with other companies. Get Microsoft and Sony in a bidding war against each other for who gets exclusive Nintendo games this generation, while Nintendo plans better for next generation.

Still, as long as the WiiU is profitable, which it will be (just not amazingly so), then I think Nintendo will weather it and be satisfied with the result. The 3DS is already a big success.

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