
"Steampunk industrial revolution" - looking for a name

Started by January 24, 2014 06:50 PM
7 comments, last by traghera 11 years ago

I'm making a game, which could be best described as steampunk industrial revolution and I need a name for that game :)

- it's a turn based strategy

- thematicly it's a bit similar to Imperialism 1 & 2 and Victoria: the Empire under a sun, but I said similar only because these are the only games of this genre/subgenre

- the player is a ruler of a small island country

- the goal of the game is to transform an agrarian society into industrialized one (in further/other scenarios there might be other goals, but that one is the most basic/common one), there might be also AI empires invading player's island (but not the other way, the player can't invade)

- it's not historical but fictional, best described as steampunk I guess (clockwork spiders in the army, steam tractors, Tesla inventions, etc)

Here is how it looks (sort of):

Stellar Monarch (4X, turn based, released): GDN forum topic - Twitter - Facebook - YouTube

As usual it seems I need to reply to my own post first before it starts rolling on its own :D

- Clockwork Industria

- Zeppelins & Factories

- Mechanical Country

- Steamdustria

Stellar Monarch (4X, turn based, released): GDN forum topic - Twitter - Facebook - YouTube


Teatotal Annihilation?

The Grand Steam Machine

Tesla Republic

Top Hat Dictator

Coal Rush

Steel and Coal

Clockwork Empire

Are there any historical characters/heroes in the fictional world that may be the driving force behind this revolution?

  1. <Insert Name of hero/character>'s Revolution
  2. <Insert Name of hero/character>'s Race

Is everyone experiencing the revolution at the same time or is the main civilization you are playing as the only one?

If they are experiencing it at the same time:

  1. Clockwork Culture(s)


  1. Machines of Steam

Are there any historical characters/heroes in the fictional world that may be the driving force behind this revolution?

No, not really... It's a strategy, so it's not character/story based anyway.

Is everyone experiencing the revolution at the same time or is the main civilization you are playing as the only one?

Well, just one. There would be other AI empires, but completely "out of the screen" and/or probably already industrialized. Generally, the game is highly assymetyrical and single player/country centric, so I want it singular than plural.

Stellar Monarch (4X, turn based, released): GDN forum topic - Twitter - Facebook - YouTube

Shifting Gears.



Still looking for a name. Ideally if it somehow conveys the steampunk part and the industrailization part (but I'm not picky).

- Clockwork Nation

- Steam & Iron

Stellar Monarch (4X, turn based, released): GDN forum topic - Twitter - Facebook - YouTube


of the top of my head,

" A tale of Plows and Steam"

but seriously, try to think up a name yourslef first. Think it through... you can use the game's name/title to help enforce the point you are trying to make, evoke a special emotion in the player, or maybe even hint on an aspect of your game. (see Loneliness)

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