This is probably not in the right forum space (apologies).
I'm currently working on a project and have reached a point where I'm tackling something I know little about.
My target is to have a 30 seconds trailer (narrator + gameplay footage) but I'm not sure who to contact, what to expect, on how much to spend to get this done.
Truth is, I could do it myself (which may be appropriate if only to learn what goes into it) but I am a bit worried that the result would be under par. While making games is a business that I know and am experienced with, marketing isn't. I'm not skilled at finding catchphrases, and I'm not a great narrator...
Therefore, if any of you happen to have any info on how to get started, please let me know.
I'm currently looking at a series of articles on "how to market your game", but I find them highly theoretical and I feel like I have a very practical case at hand.