Hello, about a week ago (well, three days) I created my first video to a series I am doing on Youtube and my website called 'Audio reImagined'. What I do is grab footage from various games, cut all of the audio from the playback, and just compose something new for that particular game. My overall goal with this is to learn and experiment with a bunch of new styles, and hopefully gain a few bigger projects under my belt in the process. I'm trying to release something weekly.
The first game I've done is Don't Starve. I just created a sampler reel since it is my first video (The rest of my videos will be just a full single, downloadable track for a specific scenario such as a town theme, or dungeon theme, etc.), I wanted to really pack it in with content. The scenes I've chosen from Don't Starve are the title, grasslands, and night themes. I really sort of went along with the quirky, Tim Burton-esque vibe of the game in its entirety. I also wanted to create something a bit less, uhh, static if that makes sense; I used a lot of tempo changes and variation here.
Anyways, enough rambling.
The link to the video on youtube is here
or you can use my website: danielfalk.net (Just scroll down on the first page).
What I'm looking for is mainly advance on the post production of the project and comments on the overall quality; does all of the music & sounds fit, is it mixed/mastered well, does everything feel alive, etc. Anything is greatly appreciated. I want to grow as much as I can, and I've been working extremely hard to save up & acquire all of the sounds & instruments I used for this composition.