
setting location for shooter rpg (with a story)

Started by January 21, 2014 01:12 AM
-1 comments, last by iknowwatudid 11 years, 1 month ago

i already have the time and conditions for my setting, it will be in current time with an alternate history being that the cold war went wrong, so yeah, nuclear apocalypse... but what i don't have is a good location. i don't want to do Washington dc, that would be too obvious. i have 3 ideas for possible locations.

the first is st. Louis. being the city that Lewis and Clark lived after their expedition and the arch being such an amazing view, i think it would be a good place to survive in.

my second idea is San Francisco. being a place with a dense population, rich in culture, and city landscape, not to mention the golden gate bridge, and Alcatraz island, i think it would be another great place to thrive and survive.

third is new Orleans. with no notable landmarks as far as i know, it still has the most culture, the most amazing people, the most amazing food, and being a unique city overall. if you have ever been during Mardi Gras, tell me how it is, i might go next year...

so those are my ideas for a locations for my shooter rpg game, i would love to hear your favorites and any other suggestions. thanks!

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