
interesting Games/Genres a single developer can create?

Started by January 19, 2014 09:47 PM
11 comments, last by Nathan2222_old 10 years, 7 months ago
It's challenging to make one on your own, but it's doable! Antichamber was developped by only one guy, The Stanley Parable by 1-2 people.

I really loved these two games.

Isn't any game possible for single dev as far as it isn't large scale?

Possible, Yes. But some genres are better suited then others. Some Genres just don't work so well without a lot of resources or high end graphics.

Tactical First person Shooters for example, or mmorpgs.

Classical rpgs are also quite hard for a single person, as you would need a lot of story and dialog. (but its definitely not impossible).

Your end result after spending a lot of time would most likely feel more like demo then a finished and polished game.

Games that have a higher focus on gameplay then story and atmosphere work better, especially if you are able to procedurally generate the content.

but as a person who has made a game generally labelled as this sort (it uses voxel worlds and similar block-types), there is hardly anyone actually interested in playing it, and a lot of random people hating on the project, ...

Can you provide a link? I searched your profile for a while but haven't found your game.

I guess that you have to provide a very finished game in order to make people play it, as otherwise they would simply keep playing minecraft.

It's about time for another Katamari Damacy-like surprise hit to emerge

I never played it. I also never understood it, but i guess its fun if you actually play it.

btw. I guess that creating games for android or iphone devices is another great possibility for single developers.

It's challenging to make one on your own, but it's doable! Antichamber was developped by only one guy, The Stanley Parable by 1-2 people.

I really loved these two games.

Isn't any game possible for single dev as far as it isn't large scale?

Possible, Yes. But some genres are better suited then others. Some Genres just don't work so well without a lot of resources or high end graphics.

Tactical First person Shooters for example, or mmorpgs.

Classical rpgs are also quite hard for a single person, as you would need a lot of story and dialog. (but its definitely not impossible).

Your end result after spending a lot of time would most likely feel more like demo then a finished and polished game.

Games that have a higher focus on gameplay then story and atmosphere work better, especially if you are able to procedurally generate the content.

theoretically, some people have used cell-shading as a way to partly get around the expectation of high-quality 3D models. I was mostly like "meh", have been using the same models for a while, even if they kind of look like crap.

3D modeling skills and similar aren't really my strong area.

but as a person who has made a game generally labelled as this sort (it uses voxel worlds and similar block-types), there is hardly anyone actually interested in playing it, and a lot of random people hating on the project, ...

Can you provide a link? I searched your profile for a while but haven't found your game.

I guess that you have to provide a very finished game in order to make people play it, as otherwise they would simply keep playing minecraft.

it is the entries called "Project Mini Dump".
within the ZIP file, the main engine is labeled "engine0.exe".

depending on the specifics, it may be needed to fiddle with "resource/game/default.cfg" and similar (in a text editor), which hold current game settings (never got around to adding a proper options menu), but this is usually more needed to tweak the thing for lower-end hardware.

it also comes with full source-code, but different parts are under different terms (some parts are MIT licensed, most of the rest is under similar terms to the Valve SDKs and similar, namely the right to mess with the code, but not to use it in derivative works or for commercial reasons, ...). at least for people that aren't scared off by the mountain of C code that is the engine...

most of the assets are located in "resource_mini", but a lot are compressed via specialized compression to make the "mini-dump" smaller (closer to its raw form, it is several GB of data).

It's about time for another Katamari Damacy-like surprise hit to emerge

I never played it. I also never understood it, but i guess its fun if you actually play it.

btw. I guess that creating games for android or iphone devices is another great possibility for single developers.

yeah, Katamari Damacy was pretty cool IMO...

Isn't any game possible for single dev as far as it isn't large scale?

Possible, Yes. But some genres are better suited then others. Some Genres just don't work so well without a lot of resources or high end graphics.

Tactical First person Shooters for example, or mmorpgs.

Classical rpgs are also quite hard for a single person, as you would need a lot of story and dialog. (but its definitely not impossible).

Your end result after spending a lot of time would most likely feel more like demo then a finished and polished game.

Games that have a higher focus on gameplay then story and atmosphere work better, especially if you are able to procedurally generate the content
I don't really like fps games or first person games in general or rpg games that have some sort of menu where you click to get some kind of upgrade or games that you have to click on the game world for the character to move.
I do like open world racing games and gta style games.
I'll be making a similar gta genre game.

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