
iOS game - making it in other languages?

Started by January 15, 2014 01:07 PM
7 comments, last by Orymus3 11 years ago

Hi guys,

I'm in the process of developing my first iOS game tongue.png

In terms of $$$ and Sales, is it worth making an iOS game available in languages other than English?

Or do other countries generally purchase games that are available in English only anyway?


I can't speak from experience but my company's recently released game that's played in other languages by 60% of the users. Definitely go for it - you never know where it'll became flavour of the month ;)

BSc Computer Games Programming (De Montfort University) Graduate

Worked on Angry Birds Go! at Exient Ltd

Co-founder of Stormburst Studios

Hi guys,

I'm in the process of developing my first iOS game tongue.png

In terms of $$$ and Sales, is it worth making an iOS game available in languages other than English?

Or do other countries generally purchase games that are available in English only anyway?

it depends on the game, if it is very text heavy you might benefit by translating it to other major languages such as Spanish.

If it is a word game you probably want to target smaller languages as well.

[size="1"]I don't suffer from insanity, I'm enjoying every minute of it.
The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some good ideas!

If you decide not to localise your title for your first release, then I've heard advice that at the very least you should get your iTunes product description translated competently into EFIGS.

sock, I moved your question to the Business forum, since you were not asking a For Beginners question.

-- Tom Sloper --


Thank you for all your kind advice. Looks like I'll release a basic version first, see how it runs then decide from there.

and tnx Tom, I'll do my best to post it in the correct forum next time.

One more piece of advice:

If your players like the game, they are most likely willing to help!!
I've had great experiences with crowd sourcing for an app project (not a game). What we did there was checking for the device's language and when it wasn't one we already supported showed a button saying "Translate for free updates". This then lead to a page where we listed all strings in the app, a textfield beside each one and a submit button (which simply sent the result to our servers).

Worked fantastic and is now translated into 26 languages.

Just be aware of trolls and check the translations for swear words...

Go on, feed your brain:

Depends on the product.

Other factors can come in the way, such as word games, where finding an appropriate dictionary would be an issue.

The amount of text is also relevant.

Simple games tend to do well when localized, but the cost of localizing larger products (from a LOC standpoint) can greatly diminish the gain.

What's your game about?

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