
Name generator

Started by January 15, 2014 12:20 PM
5 comments, last by suliman 11 years, 1 month ago


I need lists of many names (first and/or lastnames, preferable both) for some african languages, ie swahili/kiswahili and others.

This is a splendid tool

As you can order txt-files with thousands of names (good for parsing into your game) but they dont have african names (exept Igbo and Eritrean language).

Any tips?Any database i can access or generator like the one mentioned above?



Mmm none that I have come acros, are you looking for Zulu names or just African names (African names can range from Dutch to native Zulu and Pedi etc. names)

Found these 2 sites hope they help: - This one seems to be a bit better

I never mentioned zulu. Swahili, but i can find use for zulu names as well!

Your proposition is for a single name each time. I need a list of at least 500 names, so either a generator that can export to textformat or a database.

But thanks anyway!

Anyone else knows of something useful?

I know a lot (emeka, chima etc.) but why do you need them?

Total LOC: ~3M Lines
Total Languages: ~32

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For use for characters in games, randomly assigned (first and second name) to new actors in the gameworld. I need txt-file of 500 or more of names listed something like this:

Bill Billman

James Carpenter

Ar Kelly


but with african names.

Also any namesets are useful for the future. As stated the generator above does exactely this but doesnt have all the namesets i would prefer. They use open lists, birth registries etc but i dont find such sources myself. Keep in mind that picking one name at a time is too time consuming.

Greatful for any tips

Since you are looking for first and last names, I think it makes sense to have two lists (one for each). With two lists you could randomly select a first name from one list and randomly select a last name from the other, which would greatly increase the number of distinct names that can be created.

So to clarify, when you asked for 500 names, did you mean 500 first names and 500 last names, or 500 total name combinations?


500 first and 500 last names:)

I put them in the same file but of course i separate them in the code so i can combine any last and first name to make more combinations.

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