Hi everyone !
I'm a young french student, and a wannabe game designer. And to help my fellow french wannabe gamedesigners, I would like to translate the famous Dragon Speech, a lecture that Chris Crawford gave at the 1992 GDC, which still is, I think, very inspiring and interesting.
So I listened to it over and over again, patiently writing every word and every sentence I could understand, in order to translate it later.
Thanks to an essay written by Chris Crawford and based on the lecture, I even managed to fill some holes between the parts of the video recording (here it is, for those who are interested : http://www.erasmatazz.com/library/the-journal-of-computer/jcgd-volume-6/i-had-a-dream.html).
But here's the problem, the sound quality of the only recording I found isn't very good, and Chris speaks quite fast for my poor french ears. That's why I need some help from native english speakers in order to complete the entire transcription.
There is not a lot of work left to do, and I managed to make it easier by dividing the transcription into little chunks and writing the timecode for each one of them. The only parts for which in need help are the parts in bold (I wrote the words that I thought understand, but...), and maybe, if you're very brave, to re-read in order to check if I didn't make mistakes.
So, if you have a little spare time, could you take a look at it ? Even if it's only to improve one chunk, or to correct one word, it would be a lot for me.
Here is the complete speech :
And here is the transcript :
For people who are willing to help, I thank you in advance, very very much !
And for the other people, if you don't know Chris Crawford or this lecture, or if you haven't seen it for a while, I'm pretty sure it deserve one hour of your time ! ^^
Thanks again, and please excuse my english mistakes.