Hello, I am interested in trying out Angelscript in a game engine. I have been using Lua but became frustrated with the poor C++ integration.
I have existing C++ classes I want my Angelscript code to drive, and I would like to use some kind of automated script to perform the "registration" of classes and functions. I think if I spend any time writing registration code for individual classes/functions by hand I'll mess it up. What I would like is to just feed copies of my header files to a script and have it spit out a source file with all the registration calls.
Looking around on Google for a script like this, the only thing I find is this somewhat mysterious Google Code repo:
This seems to sort of work, but it has not been updated since 2010 and when I ran it experimentally it produced code that didn't look valid, for example:
r = engine->RegisterObjectProperty("", "bool useColor; GLint texture; unsigned int baseColor", offsetof(, baseColor)); assert(r>=0);
I'm willing to extend/bugfix a binding script, but if I'm going to do this I'm not sure whether this is the best script to start from.
Is there a "recommended" automated registration-code generator for Angelscript? Thanks!