
graphics.h?? Please help

Started by October 29, 2001 09:06 PM
8 comments, last by Android 13 23 years, 1 month ago
Recently i have been trying to run games that include a header file, I was wondering why i get the error messege saying it dosnt exsist? And where i could get it? I am running Dev c++, on windows me, Yes sadley it is true :[, My linux box is down right now. I would really appreatieate the help. Here is the source code if needed, Note i did not write this sorcecode. #include #include #include #include #include #include int mark(int,int,int,int); int num_fix=0,g=1; int lev[501],ro[501]; void main() { int d=DETECT,m; initgraph(&d,&m,"c:\\tc\\bgi"); for(int q=0;q<500;q++) {lev[q]=0;ro[q]=0;} int x,y; x=getmaxx()/2; y=getmaxy()/2; int draw=1,del=0; union REGS ii,oo; int perm=1; rectangle(x-161,y-221,x+161,y+221); rectangle(x-163,y-223,x+163,y+223); int room1,room2,room3,room4,level1,level2,level3,level4; int andom,style,tabby=0; int time,clr; randomize(); for(time=500;time>=100;time-=10) { if(time==100) time=110; andom=random(7); switch(andom) { case 0: style=1;room1=8;room2=9;room3=8;room4=9;level1=1;level2=1;level3=2;level4=2;clr=1;break; case 1: style=2;room1=8;room2=8;room3=8;room4=8;level1=1;level2=2;level3=3;level4=4;clr=2;break; case 2: style=3;room1=8;room2=9;room3=8;room4=9;level1=1;level2=2;level3=2;level4=3;clr=3;break; case 3: style=4;room1=8;room2=9;room3=8;room4=9;level1=2;level2=1;level3=3;level4=2;clr=4;break; case 4: style=5;room1=8;room2=9;room3=10;room4=9;level1=1;level2=1;level3=1;level4=2;clr=7;break; case 5: style=6;room1=8;room2=8;room3=8;room4=9;level1=1;level2=2;level3=3;level4=1;clr=6;break; case 6: style=7;room1=8;room2=8;room3=8;room4=7;level1=1;level2=2;level3=3;level4=1;clr=5;break; } int ret=0; int pet=0; tabby=0; for(int loop=0;loop<25;loop++) { loop--; ret=mark(level1,room1,draw,clr); if(ret==1) pet=1; ret=mark(level2,room2,draw,clr); if(ret==1) pet=1; ret=mark(level3,room3,draw,clr); if(ret==1) pet=1; ret=mark(level4,room4,draw,clr); if(ret==1) pet=1; if(pet==1) {loop=25;goto skip;} delay(time); if(level1<22&&level2<22&&level3<22&&level4<22) { ret=mark(level1,room1,del,clr); if(ret==1) pet=1; ret=mark(level2,room2,del,clr); if(ret==1) pet=1; ret=mark(level3,room3,del,clr); if(ret==1) pet=1; ret=mark(level4,room4,del,clr); if(ret==1) pet=1; if(pet==1) {loop=25;goto skip;} level1++; level2++; level3++; level4++; } else { loop=25; goto skip; } if(kbhit()) { //interrupt issue to scan the ascii ans scan codes of the key hit ii.h.ah=0; int86(22,ⅈ,&oo); //if esc key has been pressed if(oo.h.ah==1) { closegraph();exit(0); } //if right key has been pressed if(oo.h.ah==77) { for(int num=500;num>=0;num--) { if(level1==lev[num]-1&&room1+1==ro[num]||level2==lev[num]-1&&room2+1==ro[num]||level3==lev[num]-1&&room3+1==ro[num]||level4==lev[num]-1&&room4+1==ro[num]||level1==lev[num]&&room1+1==ro[num]||level2==lev[num]&&room2+1==ro[num]||level3==lev[num]&&room3+1==ro[num]||level4==lev[num]&&room4+1==ro[num]) perm=0; } if(room1<16&&room2<16&&room3<16&&room4<16&&perm==1) {room1++;room2++;room3++;room4++;} perm=1; } //if left key has been pressed if(oo.h.ah==75) { for(int num=500;num>=0;num--) { if(level1==lev[num]-1&&room1-1==ro[num]||level2==lev[num]-1&&room2-1==ro[num]||level3==lev[num]-1&&room3-1==ro[num]||level4==lev[num]-1&&room4-1==ro[num]||level1==lev[num]&&room1-1==ro[num]||level2==lev[num]&&room2-1==ro[num]||level3==lev[num]&&room3-1==ro[num]||level4==lev[num]&&room4-1==ro[num]) perm=0; } if(room1>1&&room2>1&&room3>1&&room4>1&&perm==1) {room1--;room2--;room3--;room4--;} perm=1; } //if upper key has been pressed if(oo.h.ah==72) { if(room1<16&&room2<16&&room3<16&&room4<16&&room1>1&&room2>1&&room3>1&&room4>1) { if(tabby==0) switch(style) { case 1:break; case 2:room1--;room3++;room4+=2;level1++;level3--;level4-=2;break; case 3:room1+=2;level1++;level3++;break; case 4:room2-=2;level2++;level4++;break; case 5:room1++;level1--;break; case 6:room2++;room3--;level3-=2;break; case 7:room2--;room3++;level3-=2;break; } else if(tabby==1) switch(style) { case 1:break; case 2:room1++;room3--;room4-=2;level1--;level3++;level4+=2;break; case 3:room1-=2;level1--;level3--;break; case 4:room2+=2;level2--;level4--;break; case 5:room4--;level4--;break; case 6: room1++;room3++;level1++;level3++;level2--;level4--;break; case 7: room3-=2;level1++;level3--;break; } else if(tabby==2) switch(style) { case 1:break; case 2:room1--;room3++;room4+=2;level1++;level3--;level4-=2;break; case 3:room1+=2;level1++;level3++;break; case 4:room2-=2;level2++;level4++;break; case 5:room3--;level3++;break; case 6:room2--;room4++;level4+=2;break; case 7:room4++;room3--;level3+=2;break; } else if(tabby==3) switch(style) { case 1:break; case 2:room1++;room3--;room4-=2;level1--;level3++;level4+=2;break; case 3:room1-=2;level1--;level3--;break; case 4:room2+=2;level2--;level4--;break; case 5:room1--;room3++;room4++;level1++;level3--;level4++;break; case 6:room1--;room4--;level1--;level2++;level3++;level4--;break; case 7:room2++;room3+=2;room4--;level1--;level3++;break; } tabby++; if(tabby==4) tabby=0; } } //if lower key has been pressed if(oo.h.ah==80) { getch(); } }//kbhit skip: if(loop==25) { mark(level1,room1,12,clr); mark(level2,room2,12,clr); mark(level3,room3,12,clr); mark(level4,room4,12,clr); mark(level1,room1,3,clr); mark(level2,room2,3,clr); mark(level3,room3,3,clr); mark(level4,room4,3,clr); } } } } /* level 1 room 1,2,3....16 2 3 : : 22 */ int mark(int level,int room,int col,int b_clr) { int x,y,num,toll[22],gon; x=getmaxx()/2; y=getmaxy()/2; g=1; for(int r=0;r<22;r++) toll[r]=0; if(col==12) {col=1; goto sk;} for(num=500;num>=0;num--) if(level==lev[num]-1&&room==ro[num]) { if(level<=1) {cleardevice();setcolor(14);outtextxy(x-50,y,"lost in height");sleep(3);closegraph();exit(0);} col=3; } sk: if(col==1) { setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,b_clr); bar(x-160+1+20*(room-1),y-220+1+20*(level-1),x-140-1+20*(room-1),y-200-1+20*(level-1)); } else if(col==0) { setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,0); bar(x-160+1+20*(room-1),y-220+1+20*(level-1),x-140-1+20*(room-1),y-200-1+20*(level-1)); } else { lev[num_fix]=level; ro[num_fix]=room; gotoxy(3,3); cout<=0;num--) { switch(lev[num]) { case 1:toll[0]++;break; case 2:toll[1]++;break; case 3:toll[2]++;break; case 4:toll[3]++;break; case 5:toll[4]++;break; case 6:toll[5]++;break; case 7:toll[6]++;break; case 8:toll[7]++;break; case 9:toll[8]++;break; case 10:toll[9]++;break; case 11:toll[10]++;break; case 12:toll[11]++;break; case 13:toll[12]++;break; case 14:toll[13]++;break; case 15:toll[14]++;break; case 16:toll[15]++;break; case 17:toll[16]++;break; case 18:toll[17]++;break; case 19:toll[18]++;break; case 20:toll[19]++;break; case 21:toll[20]++;break; case 22:toll[21]++;break; } } gotoxy(1,1); for(gon=0;gon<22;gon++) { cout<=0;num--) { if(lev[num]==gon+1) { lev[num]=0;ro[num]=0; } } for(num=500;num>=0;num--) { if(lev[num]<=gon&&lev[num]!=0) { lev[num]++; } } cleardevice(); setcolor(WHITE); rectangle(x-161,y-221,x+161,y+221); rectangle(x-163,y-223,x+163,y+223); setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,RED); for(num=500;num>=0;num--) { bar(x-160+1+20*(ro[num]-1),y-220+1+20*(lev[num]-1),x-140-1+20*(ro[num]-1),y-200-1+20*(lev[num]-1)); } } } for(r=0;r<22;r++) toll[r]=0; // if(g==5) return 1; return 0; } Mess with the best, Die like the rest!!
Mess with the best,Die like the rest!!
Graphics.h is an old, old header file. You cannot use it with Dev-C++. If you are looking for an easy way to do graphics, without worrying about GDI or DirectX, I would recommend SDL or Allegro.

~~~~~~~~~~ - worship the Daemon!
ReactOS - an Open-source operating system compatible with Windows NT apps and drivers
Thank you VERY much!!!

Could you give me a good place to go to get source code to mess with with this current stuff?

Mess with the best,
Die like the rest!!

Edited by - android 13 on October 29, 2001 10:15:10 PM
Mess with the best,Die like the rest!! Best of all, when you get your Linux box running, your SDL code will compile and run with it too .

[Resist Windows XP''s Invasive Production Activation Technology!]
Thanks!! And my linux box aint up right now cause i dont got a mother baord. Im running on a laptop, and im too lazy to put linux on it.

Mess with the best,
Die like the rest!!
Mess with the best,Die like the rest!!
if I am not mistaken, graphics.h is a library from Old Borland''s Turbo C++, I am not sure but I think it has become some sort of free/shareware compiler, if you still want to try to compile it, you might want to look for Turbo C++ at Borland''s site (sorry, I dont have the URL), or I am sure it must be somewhere in a abandoneware site.

Compiling with Dev C++ wont work even if you have the libs and headers because 1) Mingw32 does not support Borland object files (hence lib files), it does suport Microsofts, BUT 2) the graphics.h and graphics.lib files are 16 bit DOS libs, all current compilers are 32 bit, including Mingw32 (the one used by Dev C++).

I think you can get to compile in 16 bits with VC++ but you have to get an older version of the linker.
quote: Original post by Kwizatz
if I am not mistaken, graphics.h is a library from Old Borland''s Turbo C++...

Yeah, it is from the BGI. I hated that library so much...

[Resist Windows XP''s Invasive Production Activation Technology!]
quote: Original post by Null and Void
Original post by Kwizatz
if I am not mistaken, graphics.h is a library from Old Borland''s Turbo C++…

Yeah, it is from the BGI. I hated that library so much…

[Resist Windows XP''s Invasive Production Activation Technology!]

I made my first games on BGI. One was Little Billy the Alien Boy. Had a really crappy tile engine and everything. *Sigh* Good times, good times…but man it was slow
quote: Original post by Null and Void
Original post by Kwizatz
if I am not mistaken, graphics.h is a library from Old Borland''s Turbo C++…

Yeah, it is from the BGI. I hated that library so much…

[Resist Windows XP''s Invasive Production Activation Technology!]

I made my first games on BGI. One was Little Billy the Alien Boy. Had a really crappy tile engine and everything. *Sigh* Good times, good times…but man it was slow
Doh! That double post up there is me. Sorry about that.

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