So I am having a ridiculous problem I cannot seem to wrap my head around. I have been working at it for days, and I know the solution is simple I just cannot see it, so I need an outside opinion. I am working on procedural map generator. When I generate the map, the first thing I am doing is initializing map chunks. These chunks will contain several tiles each and will be used to only draw the chunks that are currently on the screen. All other chunks will not be drawn.
So I begin by creating chunks:
// Creates map chunks
private static Map CreateChunks(Map map)
// Initialize map chunk rows
map.Chunks = new MapChunk[map.GetMapWidth / MAP_CHUNK_WIDTH][];
// Traverse chunk rows
for (int chunkX = 0; chunkX < map.Chunks.Length; chunkX++)
// Initialize chunk column
map.Chunks[chunkX] = new MapChunk[map.GetMapHeight / MAP_CHUNK_HEIGHT];
// Traverse chunk columns
for (int chunkY = 0; chunkY < map.Chunks[chunkX].Length; chunkY++)
// Initialize chunk
map.Chunks[chunkX][chunkY] = new MapChunk(MAP_CHUNK_WIDTH, MAP_CHUNK_HEIGHT);
// Return map
return map;
Then I create tiles within those chunks:
// Create map tiles
private static Map CreateTiles(Map map)
// The current X position of the map
float mapX = 0;
// The current Y position of the map
float mapY = 0;
// Traverse chunk rows
for (int chunkX = 0; chunkX < map.Chunks.Length; chunkX++)
// Traverse chunk columns
for (int chunkY = 0; chunkY < map.Chunks[chunkX].Length; chunkY++)
// Initialize tile rows
map.Chunks[chunkX][chunkY].Tiles = new MapTile[MAP_CHUNK_WIDTH][];
// Traverse chunk rows
for (int tileX = 0; tileX < map.Chunks[chunkX][chunkY].Tiles.Length; tileX++)
// Initialize tile columns
map.Chunks[chunkX][chunkY].Tiles[tileX] = new MapTile[MAP_CHUNK_HEIGHT];
// Traverse tile columns
for (int tileY = 0; tileY < map.Chunks[chunkX][chunkY].Tiles[tileX].Length; tileY++)
// initialize this tile
map.Chunks[chunkX][chunkY].Tiles[tileX][tileY] = new MapTile(
0, null, new Rectangle(
(int)mapX * map.GetTileWidth,
(int)mapY * map.GetTileHeight,
map.GetTileWidth, map.GetTileHeight
Noise.GetNoise(mapX * 0.1f, mapY * 0.1f, map.GetSeed));
// Increase mapY
// Increase mapX
// Reset map Y
mapY = 0f;
// Return map
return map;
So, in theory Chunk[0][0].Tile[0][0] should be positioned at Vector (0,0). Which it is. And in theory the second tile in the row Chunk[0][0].Tile[1][0] should be positioned at Vector (24, 0) (tiles are 24 x 24). Which it is. The first tile in the second row Chunk[0][0].Tile[0][1] should be at Vector (0, 24). Which it is. All of that works fine.
The problem comes when we move on to the next chunk. Chunk [1][0] is to the right of Chunk[0][0]. Chunk [0][1] should be below Chunk[0][0]. However the vector of Chunk[1][0].Tile[0][0] is (18432, 0). Chunk[0][1].Tile[0][0] has a Vector (0, 2304). Which means they are reversed, in theory Chunk[1][0] should be Vector (2328, 0) (I need to increase mapX/mapY between chunk changes. But given the way it stands now Chunk[0][1] is where Chunk[1][0] should be. Chunk[1][0] current vector is just messed up. I know I need to play around with the increase of mapX/mapY and reset of mapX/mapY to change it. But I have tried every imaginable combination and it just isn't working. Any help?