Hi guys,
First off, I want to apologize for posting a third thread in such a short timespan, but I got some really great feedback on the first two threads and I figured one more couldn't hurt too much. Thank you to frob and Hodgman for responding so promptly. I hope to see more replies in those threads before they are finished, particularly the resume thread.
This post is sort of related to my resume thread, you can critique it here. http://www.gamedev.net/topic/651283-resume-review-breaking-in-from-another-industry/
A huge part of getting an industry job is having a portfolio site.
I know that mine is not very good. I'm constantly trying to re-do it to look better, flow better, etc. But honestly some days I just feel like scrapping the site and starting over, forgetting about listing any of those projects on it ever again. At the same time, no one ever wants to scrap everything. There's some work in that site. So two questions...
1. Is there any project that I can salvage on this website?
2. Is the name/url "tigertheory" detrimental to my job search? AndrewPerrin.net, AndrewPerrin.com and all variations were taken when I first started the site, but I have since checked and believe both of those are now available...
Here is my site: