For me, I prefer to use MingLiu font series, size 9. I'm okay with people using Consolas or Courier New, but I liked how MingLiu looks.
How did I come across this font?
Back in college, starting my first freshman semester, I was introduced to this particular font for the first time when I finished installing Visual Studios 2008 Express on my computer. Some people may express confusion, as they don't always have MingLiu as their default font in Visual Studios, especially when its their first time running the IDE.
How does it look?
MingLiu fonts are particularly thin, as in slim text, unlike the other default fonts counterparts, such as Consolas and Courier New. You can see the comparison image below. I used Visual Studios 2012 to create the comparison.
Why choose this font over the others?
Since MingLiu is more thinner than the others, it gives more room/space on your screen while you're programming/debugging. MingLiu is also monospaced, so you don't have to worry about texts not aligned properly with other lines, which kind of looks nice for some people.
Are there any flaws with this font?
Other than that some computers don't exactly have this font, or some computers may have this font under another alias, ???, I haven't come across anything that may give off as a flaw.
So, what fonts have you preferred? Can you show us how the font looked like if you are using certain fonts not usually used commonly?
For first world anarchists: (Showcard Gothic fonts, sized 12)