If there's a lobby where people are waiting for match-ups they could view the lore then?
That would even be possible, though not what I would do. In my opinion, this puts the lore too much "outside" the game. Also, seeing how the lore is only meaningful to most people if you get an advantage from it, you consequentially must have some kind of risk or at least "work" associated with it as well.
Otherwise you can just as well browse one of the "super top game cheats" sites, and you could as well give the bonus to everyone (or scrap it). It's uninteresting.
No, I'd think you should find e.g. a map of the maze which shows a secret passage in game, if you search for it. Preferrably it should be somewhat dynamic, so it isn't easily mappable for a "game cheats" site. Then there should be some clues that you have to follow to actually find it, keys, stone figures to move around, and some other puzzle stuff. All that while other people are running around the place, and someone may spot you and shoot at you.
That way, you have double jeopardy (is that the correct word?), and it's well-deserved if you gain an advantage from running the "lore part" in addition.