I wonder about some sort of "imperial senate" for a space empire building game (where you play as an almost absolute emperor). Initially I thought a senate would be pointless (since it's a form of absolute monarchy) but then I realized even in our history there are/were instances of an apponted upper house... So I wonder, can we make a senate for a game which simulates a powerful emperor?
I look for overall comment of the idea, and how to change/polish it.
The premise would be that you as the emperor are appointing senators as you want. But if you don't appoint representatives of all factions equally then people will be upset (and upset people means assasins and uprising which is not nice even for an absolute emperor).
- you have a pool of candidates to select from, each belong to a certain faction and have certain skills/traits
- the people want you to appoint a certain proportion of senators from each faction (5 red, 5 blue, 5 yellow, etc) but don't care which one candidate you select or what skills they have
- you, as the emperor, don't care about factions at all, all you care about are skills/traits
So it's a sort of puzzle, or modular choice. You have 8 red and need to select 5. But if you want to, you can bend the rules and select 4 red and 6 blue for example if you like this set of skills better, you will need to pay for this (unhappines, reduction of empire's stability) of course.
Senators would have passive skills like: corruption (the lowest the better), law making (the higher the better, it generates sort of "research points" to make new and better laws/edicts in the empire).
They would also have active skills, like a senator that likes military would generate for you positive random events (more officers recruited, overseeing the training of troops, etc), another one that prefers diplomacy would automaticly improve relations with other empires or spy on them.