I am hoby programer and i decided to make a 2d, top down, tile based(moving in tiles and mechanics are related to tiles instead of radius and such), with focus on rogue like, equipement and progress.
I am doing it souley for practice and fun.
The language, IDE and libs that i know and have at my dispossal are: c++, Visual studio 2012, sfml, boost and standard libs.
The topics:
1: Map format, collision with map.
2: Searching thrue the map for events.(connected with 1).
3: How to handle items and looks of character, how do i manage the sprites and whats idea behind that?
1: Map format
Id like to disscus what map format and how to structure the map would be ideal for a 2d top down tilebased game.
I am well known with vector of tiles that holds tile data, but id like to experiment.
What are some other ways you have made your map?
2: Searching thrue the map for events.(connected with 1).
In past with the vector of tiles i had issues how to handle events such as (Spell, 1 AOEradius...) i didnt figure out a formula for this one.
i just hardcoded a function that would return tiles for specific radius, the issue is that is, each radius means more code.
For a spcific Map format could you suggest a way to search tiles and such so i would somehow would be able to have effect like (3 tiles infront of X, 2 AOE radius around X)
Green = AOE radius 1
Green+Orange = AOE radius 2
Blue+Orange+Green = Aoe radius 3...
i dont know how to get such code to be efficient and ive seen games using it and not lagging as when i made it
3: How to handle items and looks of character, how do i manage the sprites and whats idea behind that?
I have never done this one so i set it as a main chalenge to achieve.
I am thinking about of items of (head, chest, pants, boots, weapons. off hand, gloves, amulets, ring) but that being said its kinda too way much for a first build so i will go with (chest, weapon) for first run.
That being said i have been thinking about it, and i got some ideas but the execution of them is not efficient, did you do such a feat, and if so would you care to share what to do and what not to do.
Not sure if i am supposed to post it in for beginers but i cant find anywhere suitable for it.