
export MD5 using Blender

Started by November 25, 2013 11:50 PM
1 comment, last by ShadowFlar3 11 years, 3 months ago

Hi Guys, I need your help.

Weve been trying to export an animated MD5 file in BLender to no avail, it encounteres an error during export and cannot even export even a simple cube.

Is there any tutorials or pointers you can recommend on how to do this?
we are using the latest version of Blender as of this posting.


I don't know much about Blender, having only used it a couple times, but posting the error that you get will greatly enhance others' abilities to help you.


Have you dug through all of these resources: ? Always remember to google the error you encounter as well.

With Blender, getting an older version sometimes does the trick. If you use the exact same version as in the tutorials you are unlikely to get errors or if you get some then it's most likely in your system or the steps you take in exporting.

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