I think I need to tell a bit more. Naturally it occurred over a period of years and I admit a little dust may have contributed to it, but really, dust is everywhere and I do clean the interior of a computer carefully (including putting my hand on grounded metal to avoid sparks) and periodically, though I did not dare to open a power supply or monitor, but there is a list:
- I had a CRT monitor die half a year after the 2 year warranty was over. I took it to an electrician and did let him repair it, because at that time it cost "only" half of what a new one would have costed. It came down to just replacing a resistor, but you mostly pay those people for investing time searching the error. It worked well again but only allowed a tiny bit lower framerate.
- The CRT died again after about 3 years, but this time they told it would make no sense to sink more money into repair as it was too old already. I bought an LCD.
- I had a Power Supply die shortly after the warranty period of the computer and had to pay for a replacement.
- I had a HDD die inside that computer and had to buy a replacement.
- I think the Power supply died again, but I cant remember for certain as it happens so often.
- I built a new computer and I think I made a mistake with the case(+included power supply) I bought. I felt the air flow could be a bit low, so I replaced the single cheap outtake fan with 2 better outtake fans and a huge intake fan a month later. Sadly that made it noisy.
- Now there the CD burner I carefully selected died not one but 2 times. This time I was a bit "lucky" as the first time was before the 2 year warranty expired.
- Then there, you guess it already, the power supply died after the warranty period and I had to buy a replacement.
- The NVidia card had the fan die, I noticed it immediately and it would have continued to work. The shop people said I could buy a replacement fan but they had none that was compatible and as it was of a model that would most likely survive this a long time I could just let it run without a fan. I did not listen to them but after experiencing their unfriendliness again after the problems with the CD burner I let them think I would and bought an ATI card elsewhere, because in the old computer there was one that worked flawlessly until I sold it off, but that was foolish as you may read below. As I was suspicious I was going to a different shop and travelled to the only shop with a consumer friendly policy at the different end of the city (where I had bought a HDD already) and paid them extra for an extended 5 year warranty.
- I had one of the two HDD in the computer die and the warranty period was over. They were in a striped RAID to get slightly better performance and that was foolish; I should have used mirroring. I talked to the shop people and brought the computer there as they wanted to do a search for the defect, but decided on not having them send it in when I have to pay for a questionable chance of repair, not buying another and just reformating without RAID and reinstalling everything. Funny thing is, they told me the other HDD was defect, not the one that really was, and I only found out after I had taken it out of the case.
- I had the fan on the ATI card die. I noticed it immediately, it produced a smell from the heat and I think the heat transfer glue and I turned off the backside button in an instant so it was prevented from further damage. That was shortly before the normal 2 year warranty, the shop told me they could send it to the manufacturer which can take months or I could buy a replacement fan which voids the warranty (which I did not want to risk). I decided on letting them send it in and was pleasantly surprised when they offered me to lend out another card, even of same manufacturer to avoid driver problems for that time, even though it was an ancient one with a huge passive cooling (what a good idea, no fan=no possibility of fan dieing and no noise). The card did not come back, because the manufacturers didn't feel like doing work on repair and I lucked out a slightly newer and better card.
- The fan on the new ATI card dies. I was lucky enough to have bought the extended warranty, because the replacement card would not have extended the warranty period. The shop guy from the nice shop told me they could send it in again but they would have to pay and I would have to wait, so he just handed me over some new, slightly better card again.
- The power supply died again and I had to buy a replacement cause the warranty had just been over.
- I had the tiny voluntary northbridge fan die, but going back to passive cooling was enough.
- The LCD died and I let some different repair guy look into it. I should have gone to the people who had successfully repaired the CRT, because those new repair people only knew how to replace whole circuit boards and told me they could not even sufficiently tell which of the circuit boards it is and only told weird stuff about the internal processor must have got a defect and it would be too expensive to buy a replacement. In retrospect I think it was only a defect electrolyte capacitor. So I bought a new, better HD widescreen.
- Something got wrong with the mainboard as one of the drive connectors was sometimes not working and the internal USB ports near the power connector often would not work too, I suspect it was the darkened capacitors at that corner.
- The power supply died yet again in an explosion. And again I had to buy a replacement (this time the cheapest available as they die fast anyway) and an extra Y-cable.