Wow, a lot of genuinely useful advice here, thanks a lot guys! I am not surprised that I got more helpful responses from GameDev than from all the addiction and mental health and self help forums I've ever posted on combined. I appreciate the well thought out responses that actually address my issues specifically, I was getting very tired of hearing the same cliche's over and over again from people who just read my post, get an idea of what it's about, and post whatever related unthoughtful/unoriginal cliche's and sayings that I've already heard hundreds of times. I had a feeling this would be a good place to get original and REAL advice even on such an unrelated topic :). Man I was getting tired of people trying to help me by telling me NA will solve all my problems, or that I need to 'work towards my goals'(Gee why didn't I think of doing that before!). Okay I'm done being bitter, it's just really refreshing to feel like I'm getting real advice from real people, thanks a lot guys that in itself is helpful :D.
I'm going to post back later with specific responses and more info but I really appreciate the help everyone, especially those who took the time to PM me I received some great advice there as well and am going to message you back later as well. I have a ton of phone calls to make and some procrastinating to do(I earned it I actually got a lot done today :p)
Thanks again everyone :)