[If you want to skip the background, jump to (*)] A friend of mine wants some help making a simple 2D scroller, and I offered myself to help with the programming. I haven't done any game programming in a long time, so I looked around a bit and it looks like C++ with SFML 2.1 is a good place to start: I am very familiar with C++ and the library's design is clean and uses C++ in an idiomatic way.
I have been very happy with what I have tried so far (setting up a render window in full-screen mode, measuring time, handling events, drawing a bunch of sprites either with sf::Sprite or by setting up a sf::VertexArray that draws a bunch of quads in a single call...) but then (*) I tried to play some sounds using sf::Sound and I find that there is a significant lag of perhaps 100 ms (estimated by ear). It's possible I can get away with that, but it sounds like too much of a delay. I am using sf::Sound in a very straight-forward manner, so I don't see the point of posting code.
Is this consistent with what other people experience? Are there any workarounds? Or perhaps I have to use a different library to play sound?
One possibly relevant piece of data: My programming environment is Ubuntu Linux running within VirtualBox, with a recent MacBook Air as the host.