Hello there,
I'm looking to make a small game (more of a tech demo, really). I have some experience programming in C++ and am even currently playing around with OpenFrameworks. With OF, I've learned to draw shapes, move them, and even do very simple collision detection between them. I'm very inexperienced with making games through object oriented programming though so I'm hoping you people could guide me in the right direction.
Currently in the middle of learning vectors and storing instances of an object within it and my end goal is to create a top-down 2D game where shapes will be spawned by an EnemySpawner class. These shapes will fly at the player character which will be controlled via mouse and said shapes are erased once off-screen. I have an idea of how I'll structure the classes but I'm unsure if there are tools I can learn to make some tasks easier.
For example, if there were 20 shapes on-screen at once, I could run a loop that will check any intersection between those shapes and the player or the edges of the screen. Is a loop really the way to go about this or could some sort of game framework abstract this away somehow? I'm talking out my ass due to inexperience but these are the kind of issues I'm wondering about.