I've finally decided to make my own web and use it as portfolio so I can show my work to potential employers. It would be nice if I could get some feedback on the way I'm showing my work, so I won't give a bad impression. The site is still under construction, but I want to get some advice from you guys before I go on so I can correct my mistakes or improve things:
Things I'm worried about:
- Is it getting too long? This specific project is pretty big and I still have some more parts to write about.
- Am I using the proper format? Is it okay to link to the source code the way I'm doing it or is it better to embed smaller parts on the page?
- Is the video demo actually helping? Is it a good practice?
- I'm not a native english speaker. Am I expressing myself correctly? (I'm aware there are some gramatical errors which I'll definitely clear up before going live.). Do my points get across or it just reads like a lot of gibberish?
Thank you so much for your time.
P.S: This is an unrelated question, but don't want to flood the board with topics. I'm going to apply to a job and I must provide an introduction letter and a covering letter and I can't figure the difference between the two. Any ideas? If it's wrong to ask the question here I'll edit the post and create a separate thread, thanks.