Hey so I've been working on a very small roguelike just to get my feet wet in game development. Its isn't anything amazing but since this is my first ever "rpg" I'm super excited and proud of it haha.
Anyways, my question is: How do I delete a monster off of my map when i defeat it?
Basically what i have is a switch statement and in the case where my character "@" runs into an "x" or my "monster", it runs a while loop that you can see below. And you can also see that it really isnt a true battle because it isnt generating random numbers or taking into account player and/or creature statistics. Its literally just saying "Ok user, you selected the option to fight, but the programmer doesn;t know how to implement a battle system yet, so he's written this to let you always win and never die".
And thats where my problem is, once the player "wins", how do i clear the "monster off the screen and whats the quickest way to do it?
case 'x':
monster = true;
while (stopgame == false && monster == true) //start monster
cout << "\n\nYou encountered a monster, what will you do?" << endl;
cout << "1.) Attack!" << endl;
cout << "2.) Flee." << endl;
cin >> monsterInput;
if(monsterInput == 1)
cout << "\n\nYou attacked the monster" << endl;
cout << "You defeated the monster" << endl;
cout << "You win!" << endl;
cout << "\nRECIVED: Gold +5" << endl;
cout << "RECIVED: EXP +5" << endl;
gold += 5;
xp += 5;
// code to clear the monster off the screen goes here (i think)
monster = false;
cout << "\n\nYou safely got away." << endl;
monster = false;
}// end monster
and here is my map: (its all messed up copying it over so i deleted alot of the map, but hopefully you get the idea)
char Map [50] [70] =
"# #
"# x #
"# #
"# #",
"# #
"# x #
"# #
"#### ####
" # #
"#### #####
"# #
"# #
"# #
"# #
"# #
"# @ #
"#############################################" };
If having my source code will help you to help me, I'll be more than happy to upload it. Thanks