It's for some sort of 4X space strategy game (it's not important what kind exactly, things in this topic should fit to several ones).
I was thinking about shipyards. Not as buildings that generate any resources or "production" but like in a real word, a place where ships are built. Those shipyards would be a limiter of ships production (you have tons of money and resources but you can't build more ships because you have no free shipyards).
So far it's all strightforward. But I was thinking of adding some sort of civilian ships. If you are preparing for war you are producing warships, but if not, your shipyards are not idle but automaticly produce some freighters, currier ships, luxury passenger liners, etc. Those help your empire in an economic way (or other). I mean, I don't want it to be the standard "you build a shipyard and then use it at 100% capacity to produce warships".
Now the question, how exactly it should work and what kind of non combat ships there should be? And do you think this idea is worth pursuing?
I can see it as a slider warships/civilian. Or some automatic "use up shipyard if you are building a warship and all free shipyards auto produce civilian ships". Or maybe make three categories: warships, freighters, civilian/commercial. I think it would be nice to introduce some "private sector" :) Like, you pay for warships (gives you military power), you pay for freighters (gives you imperial logistics/transport) and you DO NOT pay for civilian/commercial ships since these are bought by citizens and used for trade/pleasure (gives more money form tax + from selling the ships to population and/or increase happiness).