I am a very experienced, engineering trained programmer. I'm also an avid gamer and intend to devote serious time and effort to developing a game idea I've wanted to do for some time.
I thought I would list what I bring to the table, as well as requirements for my idea, and get feedback on what would be the most logical tools and approach going forward:
Skill set:
Very experienced in C# and .NET, SQL, XML and related technologies, multi-user, real time applications, web services, windows forms, source control systems, build systems, etc...
Some experience with Java, JavaScript, and other random languages
What tools I have access to:
Full MSDN license. Multiple windows machines, iPad (no Mac as yet, but assume I'll get one eventually assuming I port to iOS), XBox, eventually XBox One, Windows Phone, will likely get an Android device eventually.
Game requirements
What I plan on making is a relatively slow moving tactical/strategy game. Will likely be real time but not in the RTS vein. Will design leaving hooks for multiplayer but focus will be single player to start.
Basic graphics. No true 3d though perhaps some 3d objects in 2d space.
Ideally would like to work in an environment that would allow porting to mobile devices, but initially most interested in PC platform.
I'm currently learning OpenGL/OpenTK basics and working through Daniel Schuller's C# Game Programming for Series Game Creation book, which is a little dated but does discuss a number of game development topics.
Is it worth continuing on the course I am on?
Should I be deep-diving into something like Unity right away or is it unnecessary given my requirements?
Are their other frameworks I should be looking at? I have taken a look at Mono Game but its unclear given the depreciation of XNA as to whether this is worth the time and effort.
Thanks for the help.