Last December, I finished my game development book for XNA and was beginning reviews and conversations with publishers. In February, Microsoft announced that it had no plans to expand XNA any further and that Support for it would be dying out. Exit publishers.
But it turns out that the open source version, Mono Game, has been taking off. Coursera/University of Colorado has released an XNA game programming course (about half way done right now) on XNA, and over 22,000 people signed up wanting to learn it. Given the free nature of this, and the fact I had this book decaying in backups, yet still current in technology, I decided to release it for free.
You follow a small indie team as they take an initial concept, design it out, learn to work together as a team, learn to program, learn AI & physics, produce the game, and then even learn how to approach testing, investors and releases.
I'm hoping this will be a valuable resource for many, but I'm also looking for advice to improve it. I don't want this to become a stagnant training material. I'm actually working with some top notch artists, musicians and market agents on addressing new versions of this. I want your feed back. Tell me the good, the bad and the ugly.
The next releases of the book will be split out more, and focusing on the different areas more. The specialists I'm working with will help re-author and add content to improve it. I hope you enjoy the book as is, but don't hesitate to suggest changes, tell me how terrible the current art is, or even express that the comic training in it is terrible.
I use this book in my classes, and I don't want it to be from my head alone, not when I have a whole community of awesome game developers and those starting out, who may be able to help make it better!