it's been months since i've checked this forum. last time i was here (...) people were asking for basic open source, so i thought i'd share mine.
write-up is here,
(article is called "c++ consise win32 game source" but wordpress has gone all retarded with my browser lately so i can't find a link to the actual article..)
source is here
as mentioned, i've been programming c-like c++ for "a while" but this is my first go at games and doing much with OO, which translates to "source may not be the best way to do things" and so forth, but it's *available* and it *works* and it's *CONCISE*
as a "c/array" style programmer instead of "c++/OO" i tend to use inlining, short, single character variable names, and one document.. (audio dsp..) while i have found some open sources for basic games, they often have dozens of documents which is hard to absorb from my background. so, this source is intended to allow people to get some legs under them before improving upon what's here.
there are only a few documents, all are short, so it shouldn't take too much concentration to figure out what each part is, et c.
all the source does is draw an asteroids style ship which can be flown with the arrow keys, [esc] to quit (eg. after you fly off the edge of the screen..). the background is coloured red or green to indicate what side of the ship each pixel is on.. which is an intensive routine.. definately remove that before proceeding. the audio routine can be decommented to add a lovely 440hz tone to the experience.. :p
i cooked up the aa line and circle algs, you may find better ones elsewhere.
if there are any questions specifically about this, they may be better to ask on my homepage or wordpress. i've been a member of gamedev for like a decade, but i don't get along well with this site.. eg. the only collision detection documents i can find here are something any 10 year old can figure out on their own, and every time i ask a question here, people are pretty rude and i find much better answers on other sites. maybe that's my luck. have a good day :)
oh - see i can attach files. source attached..