
Anyone up for an interview near San Francisco?

Started by October 11, 2013 05:49 PM
-1 comments, last by Megs 11 years, 4 months ago

Hey guys, I'm doing a research project for my internship class. I'm supposed to choose a specific career and then interview someone in it and tour their workplace. I had a person that I was going to interview but it fell through at the last moment, and now I'm having trouble finding someone on such short notice.

Is there anybody who works in the Bay Area who I could interview about sound design, specifically sound effects, field recording, or foley? It would be a short interview, maybe 15 minutes, combined with a tour of the workplace that could be given by someone else if you're busy. I would love to be able to get this done before it's due on Tuesday morning.

I know most people here are freelance and that might work, but I don't know how you'd feel about the tour if it's in your house, just something to keep in mind (but I promise I'm a good person!). If anyone has any leads, if you can't personally do it but know someone who might be able to, please feel free to message me. Thanks so much for reading this!

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