Hello. My name is William Martin and I go by Chaze007 on the internet. I'm currently nineteen, work a full time job at home as a mobility technical support agent for Convergys Corporation. Before that I'm the average teenager, and ever since I was little I've been fascinated with game design. I loved playing video games, but what I loved even more were the sandbox options given to me. I loved figuring out how games worked when I was little, and learning to take advantage of the AI and UI of games I played. Around 7 I decided I would make video games. I got into RPG Maker XP and around this time my family was having some personal issues so I did not attend school. All day and night I wrote stories and used event systems and tried getting my games working.
As I got older I drifted from that, and in higschool I took a business and computer vocational class just because it had the word computer in it. Around that time I migrated away from making games, and did more social activities and played online with friends. My hobbies then still consisted of threads of my game design dreams. I would make art. Mostly 2D, some very bad 3D. I would sprite, and make wallpapers, midis, and write stories. I would attempt to start a game project, but always quit. So here I am today. I consider myself adept enough in every aspect of what it takes to make a game except one, programming, which has always been my biggest crutch. I was never good at math, or even understanding it, but I've been around game design and friends who code long enough to understand a few words of what I see.
So that brings me to this website. I want to learn to write code, I want to become good enough at it to understand the syntax and actually know what I'm looking at. I want to learn it from the ground up to make a video game, that is my biggest goal. I know I can't learn coding with the only factor in my mind driving me is to make video games, and I'm willing to learn everything I need to along the way to achieve my goal. The big question is, where do I start? This is where you come in. I know NOTHING. Not a snip of code. I wrote a little bit of javascript for the past few days on a website. I can barely remember it. I want to start somewhere I know will take me closer to my goal, so in my mind I had javascript and unity. Though I want your personal opinions on a good language to begin learning to understand basic syntax, up into actual video game development. The unity engine seemed like a great thing to learn with alongside a language like c# and I heard it has it's own form of javascript. Now I also know Unity is mainly for 3D but I read it can also do 2D and that's where I would like to start.
So what do you guys think? What's a good language, with great books, lessons, or tutorials for complete beginners?
What are your personal experiences starting out with coding? Is being good at math a requirement?
For the game design aspect, should I learn to use an engine alongside learning the language, like unity?
Please. I would love to hear your opinions, advice, and stories. I just really want this, and don't know where to begin. Thanks for reading.