
SDL 2.0 compiling for android

Started by October 05, 2013 07:20 PM
3 comments, last by farmdve 11 years, 4 months ago

So I decided to use SDL 2.0 to develop for the android platform. I downloaded the Android SDK/eclipse/NDK, I installed eclipse and I've set up the project directory and everything ( took me a full day of research and downloading D: ).

So my eclipse project currently looks like this:


Now only thing left is to compile the SDL library with the NDK.


And here is where I get an error saying:

"Unresolved reference to SDL_main."

I tryed to search on google but I couldnt find any solutions. I tryed changing int main(...) to SDL_main but that didnt work either. I am totaly out of ideas and google doesnt seem to be of much help either D:, any help would be priceless <3. Thanks in advance

P.S: if you need me to provide any more info, let me know ^^.

P.S2: my file looks like this:

LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)

include $(CLEAR_VARS)




# Add your application source files here...
LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(SDL_PATH)/src/main/android/SDL_android_main.c \




Well, on PC usually you have to add the library libSDL2_main.a for the project to compile. See if you have not missed adding it.


Are the dependencies set up correctly for your project? Using SDL2 requires you to add SDL2.lib as well as SDL2main.lib to the project dependencies.

Uh admitivly I dont know alot about compiling but as far as I understand, I use the NDK to compile the actuall SDL source files themselfs. So without actually having the library build to begin with I dont know how I can link it in the eclipse project o.o

Ah, yeah that makes sense. Not sure what the problem is. Did you follow the instructions to the letter?

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