Hi people, hopefully someone will be good enough to answer some of these.
1) Why did graphics go from 2D to 3D back in the days of Doom, was it because DirectX and Opengl were released in 1995 and 1992 respectively?
2) What exactly is a graphics library like Opengl, is it written in C/C++,
3) Is the Doom 3 source code still relevant today - in the sense that it's up with the latest graphics, physics, Ai etc.
4) What's to stop using the Doom 3 source to produce a game, I understand even that would be a mammoth task, but you could do it?
5) taking GTA 5 for example, do you think one programmer wrote the whole rendering engine in the same way as John Carmack wrote the D3 renderer himself?
6) Why have graphics improved(better eye candy etc) over the years, is it because of better hardware or more functionality from the graphical APIs such as Direct3D etc?
TIA for any help.