Umm hi
Hello everyone, it''s me Uhfgood (that''s UFFgood) ;-)
Anyways i''m just posting basically a nothing or introduction message, to show you that i''m gonna start posting. Although i''m no expert by any stretch of the imagination in game development, i''ll post my thoughts my comments and possibly help anyone (if that''s even possible, but you know most of you are alot more accomplished than me)...
Anyways I feel I need to be active in the major game development sites and what not, so I decided to put this
introductory post, to let you know. I mean I figured since i''m in the #gamedev channel in irc every day i might as well start posting in the message bases, and with the new redesign, what a better time to start posting now.
Anyways people, keep programming, and i''ll catch ya on the proverbial flip-side.
God Bless,
Keith Weatherby II
*************************************Keith Weatherby II*************************************
hey wats up Uhfgood-
i almost got my new site ready, so i''ll send the link when it''s done.
i almost got my new site ready, so i''ll send the link when it''s done.
"a low level aho master like you couldn't kill me even if I let you"
Uthman - That''s great, I haven''t actually updated the page in a long time, but i''m going to update, and then start working on the redesign sometime this weekend.
Also i''m probably moving, but I''ll let everyone know
when that is later.
Keith Alan Weatherby II
Also i''m probably moving, but I''ll let everyone know
when that is later.
Keith Alan Weatherby II
*************************************Keith Weatherby II*************************************
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