When i was thinking abit about that, I see that my learning of
programming is buid from the two broad steps (as far by now)
1. take some language and api (for example c++ + directx or
something and learn to use it) - learn some language and learn some api
It takes some time and is less than than needed to make some
ok game - becouse making a game involves more than that
2. read a lot of articles / blogs about many things to become more
knowledgable on wide set of common topics and programming ideas (it also takes a lot of time)
i could say that first phase is more begginer and the second more
advanced (you need a first to comprehend/go into the another)
this is the place where i stop by now. I am curious what if other
somewhat experienced game programmers can agree with that
to steps (if it relates strictly to them too)
Or maybe some other steps not involved here
I do not know what with actual game making maybe it is parallel to
both those phases