So my 2D platformer inspired by Mario, but not a clone has some basic stuff more or less complete, which is a subjective term in my case cause my code is probably not bug free and probably doesn't have a very good design, but learning as much as I can
I have more or less completed the following:
- Arbitrary map parsed from file.
- Moving the character left and right.
- Jumping.
- Collision detection.
- Falling off a tile due to "gravity".
The last three actually are not implemented 100% right, so they need a lot of work too, for instance I need fixed timestep instead of variable timestep as it could and usually does cause my collision detection to fail as the player could move waaay past a tile if the frame took longer than 0.001 seconds. I need to make it so the camera(i.e screen) follows the player in the center as he moves on the map.
Also, a next logical step in my opinion would be items or entities, but neither of those do I know how to implement(not even a clue!) and not sure if they will fit into my design.
Thank you in advance!
Yes, no mistake. I am doing my game in pure C using SDL 2.0. I plan to do the switch to C++ for my next game.