
Happy Friday the 13th

Started by September 13, 2013 09:44 PM
5 comments, last by Sik_the_hedgehog 11 years ago

Happy Friday the 13th to the Gamedev community. It's Friday the 13th in 2013... what are you doing today or tonight?

I hope you all don't think its a bad day or feel its a curse. Today is what you make out of it. What are you doing?

I'm personally working all day/night on my game dev project. No other plans... maybe a movie later on. How about you?

Anyone feeling superstitious? It might be a good night for a horror movie.

Set a deadlift PR and watch my son at soccer practice.


Took a flight from Copenhagen to Helsinki

So it didn't click until after the morning already passed that today was Friday the 13th.

My entire office lost internet connection starting at around 1pm, no email, no P4 (servers not in our office), no lync, no nothing and remained so until at least 4 pm. Productivity took a nose dive and we all left early, heh. Good way to start the weekend!

Starnick: Ouch!

No deadlift PR, and my son missed soccer practice since they changed the time on us. IT IS CURSED!


I guess I'm safe since over here the tradition is on Tuesday 13th. Just bought a joystick and an USB hub (since I ran out of USB ports... seriously, half of the USB ports in this system are unusable, WTF?).

Fun fact about Friday 13th: Friday is the day of Venus, which is the goddess of love (and associated with women). 13 was associated with the number of months (remember at some point years used to have 13 months), and 1 month = 1 moon lapse which was about the same time between menstruations. In other words, it's a too womanly day, thereby the tradition that it's cursed.

Sexism has a looooong way in our history...

(in case you wonder then where Tuesday 13th would come: Tuesday is the day of Mars which is the god of war, so it makes way more sense that it's seen as a bad thing - no idea where 13 plays a role there)

Don't pay much attention to "the hedgehog" in my nick, it's just because "Sik" was already taken =/ By the way, Sik is pronounced like seek, not like sick.

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