
Why programming is hard ?

Started by September 11, 2013 07:52 PM
26 comments, last by fir 11 years ago

I don't find programming hard. In fact I find programming to be a fairly trivial task. Photoshop and artsy stuff now I find that really hard.

However as people have already said what you are suffering from is fatigue. Take a holiday for two weeks and you will be fine.

fairly trivial ;-) youre mistaknig something ; -)

a bit of it can be trivial but doing it at large is very hard (at least for me it is very hard)

I could rest and today I can already focus some more but the feeling of being overvorked mets me often then it is yet a second thing of being not able to focus as i described it :/

Programming requires you to be able to think in a specific way, for some people this is easy, for some this is impossible (which is why in game development there tends to be a "hard" divide between programmers and artists... their brains are usually wired differently and they approach problems in completely different ways). So whether it's hard or not depends on how you think.

That said, if you didn't have any issues with assembly back in the day then probably that isn't the problem... Have you tried looking at doing it again? (homebrew?) If you still find it easy then maybe your issue is more with how things are handled now (I know a lot of people are good at low level programming but horrible at high level programming, and vice versa... I'm weird in that I can cope with both except the weird middle ground that's C++, which is why I tend to use C instead).

Don't pay much attention to "the hedgehog" in my nick, it's just because "Sik" was already taken =/ By the way, Sik is pronounced like seek, not like sick.

Programming requires you to be able to think in a specific way, for some people this is easy, for some this is impossible (which is why in game development there tends to be a "hard" divide between programmers and artists... their brains are usually wired differently and they approach problems in completely different ways). So whether it's hard or not depends on how you think.

I don't think that's true at all. I could do art if I wanted to (almost did) and got into it, and I can do some programming too.

Programming requires you to be able to think in a specific way, for some people this is easy, for some this is impossible (which is why in game development there tends to be a "hard" divide between programmers and artists... their brains are usually wired differently and they approach problems in completely different ways). So whether it's hard or not depends on how you think.

That said, if you didn't have any issues with assembly back in the day then probably that isn't the problem... Have you tried looking at doing it again? (homebrew?) If you still find it easy then maybe your issue is more with how things are handled now (I know a lot of people are good at low level programming but horrible at high level programming, and vice versa... I'm weird in that I can cope with both except the weird middle ground that's C++, which is why I tend to use C instead).

As to high level / low level I am more a low level c man

(I am a big almost religious fan of c language ;-) ) with respect to assembly or os internals too, but recently began to like javascript+canvas too, so i think I am not too low level or low level only

(in general I find myself moderately skilled and experienced now)

as to asembly

Back in the days I was coding in assembly far better than

today. :-/ A couple of months ago I was doing a couple of

procedures in nasm, some simple fpu/sse, and I can do

that, but it makes me far more trouble and less pleasure than back in the days (so it seem like I decreased in skills :/) :-?

Same with, when i was in high school i wrote some simple 3d

rasterizer in weak language qbasic and some code with models under that - I did it in a weekend or less time (about two days )

This year I have written some not perfect but of course

far better/faster software rasterizer in some proper c coding

but it cost me energy of couple of long weeks :-/

This seem to be strange and fatal :-/ - i got some wider

konwledge today and I still go forward but has much trouble with an energy to code. :C

I see it but am not sure how to do with that - still going

forward but it cost me much (but this is all digression,

I wanted not to speak about myself but maybe about some ideas why programming is hard situation)

Programming requires you to be able to think in a specific way, for some people this is easy, for some this is impossible (which is why in game development there tends to be a "hard" divide between programmers and artists... their brains are usually wired differently and they approach problems in completely different ways). So whether it's hard or not depends on how you think.

I don't think that's true at all. I could do art if I wanted to (almost did) and got into it, and I can do some programming too.

I agree with Szecs, here. The "hard divide" may exist for some but not for all. I grew up as an artist. I think I came out of the womb with a pencil in my hand LoL. I studied art for the first 20 years of my life before I even touched a computer. Then I was able to go right into a left brain logical world and adjust very easily. For me, It's a balancing act and I do both very well. I think having the background in Art helped me to learn things I would need for programming (like focus, attention to detail, etc). But I do believe not everyone is wired the same and it could be very difficult for most people who have not trained their brain to work with both left and right brain aspects. If you look at most people they fall under one side or the other. This is probably why so many struggle.

I believe projects complexity increase exponentially as it grow in size, anybody noticed that too?

I mean, a project with a single file and a 100 lines of codes is very easy

to work with, while 100k lines of code may be too much for a single person to handle, while 10k lines of code is not so bad.

Just my though.


Programming itself is hard in that you need to be able to think in a certain way. But if you are able to think like that it simplifies things a lot. I tend not to use the word hard as it implies difficulty. I would say challenging. That way whatever is currently causing my difficulty is simply a challenge to be overcome. And while that can be tough I enjoy trying to find the solution.

Perspective and mindset I think can have a big impact. Taking a break (as others have suggested) can make a drastic improvement. You can distract yourself with something for a while and come back to your issue refreshed. Sitting staring at some error for hours is not going to make much difference.

I believe projects complexity increase exponentially as it grow in size, anybody noticed that too?

I mean, a project with a single file and a 100 lines of codes is very easy

to work with, while 100k lines of code may be too much for a single person to handle, while 10k lines of code is not so bad.

Just my though.

That's why it's important to keep your code base as simple as possible. Do the most simple thing that works. There are way too many cycles wasted on YAGNI over-engineered cruft and pointless abstraction layers.

Don't program anymore. Design!

Everything is hard.


My journals: dustArtemis ECS framework and Making a Terrain Generator

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