That's worse than what he's doing. A m_ prefix on everything messes up IDE/editor autocomplete features, whereas the _m postfix does not disturb the autocomplete, and will get autocompleted 95% of the time so you don't even have to type it out.Why are you adding _m after everything?!? it just make the code harder to read.
If you really like this notation you shoud at least put the m before, like this ---> m_particles, for example, but imo, this is better:
There's no one right way, but I have opted to use the Google style where class members are marked with a single postfix underscore (particles_). This doesn't hurt the readability, but still clearly distinguishes members from non-members. On simple classes with public data members, I omit the underscore so it's just Position p; p.x = 123;.
The correct choice in C++11 is nullptr, in C++98 0.NIL? I suggest using NULL instead.