Now let's get to the art with our humble first post:
[attachment=17774:living room.jpg]
Now let's get to the art with our humble first post:
[attachment=17774:living room.jpg]
Good drawings!
Hi Vatsel. Can you post your workflow?
What software and tools do you use, how do you collect reference, and what do you like to work on first in a piece?
Also, in that room painting, how did you work out the vanishing (or perspective) lines without having the vanishing point or the horizon line being visible in the composition?
When I do a sketch on paper and it's an unusual perspective like that one, the vanishing point lies outside the paper and somewhere around the table I'm sketching on - I had to use rulers to mark it out.
Thanks rouncer!
Kryzon, I use Photoshop and an Intuos graphics tablet for all the painting I do. As for reference, I only use a bit to get an idea for some extra things to put in the room and to try and get the different materials right. One very cool method of solving perspective problems is building the room skeleton in Google sketch up first and then printscreening the right angle and importing it into Photoshop, it usually saves me a LOT of time as then I'll already have the perspective done for me.
I think I should do a little tutorial on my room design, maybe that will help?
Thanks for the comments !
edit: formatting
That's a smart solution, thanks for sharing.
One very cool method of solving perspective problems is building the room skeleton in Google sketch up first and then printscreening the right angle and importing it into Photoshop
Kryzon - anytime!
Here's another piece of concept art