
But what would I need

Started by October 25, 2001 05:43 PM
1 comment, last by Ashleywlee 23 years, 4 months ago
What software would I need to make the text game, 2d game, and 3d game? I know I''ll need C++ but what other things would I need? Thank you.
that''s pretty much it, especially for a text game. but for something like 2d and 3d graphics, you''d probably want to use what''s called an API, application programming interface, and the 2 popular ones for that would be OpenGL or DirectX.

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You will need a compiler to compile your C++ code. I recommend MS VC++ (an introductory version comes free with Tricks of the Windows Game Programming Gurus) which costs under 100 dollars for standard version. With this alone, you can create text games, and even making simple text graphic games (picture drawing a tic tac toe board out of text) which can boost the ego ever so slightly

For 2d, my opinion of course, is you can stay with MSVC++. You can go with Direct X and obtain a good book teaching Direct Draw (honestly, I can''t imagine learning 3D without learning 2D fundamentals), since it''s pure 2D.

For 3d, you should be able to use Direct 3D learning from a good book. Lots of people like Open GL, which should be a good option as well. Judging from your question though, it should be a good while before you will reach this point. Will depend how much you already know, what tools you have, and most importantly: What resources you have available (read: books books boooooooooks!!!)

Hope that helps in any way

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